It's a beautiful day in May - a great day to garden. I went to the Denton Master Gardeners sale today and picked up some Fannick Phlox - I really wanted this and a scaveola (which I thought might be scabiosa -it isn't :( but should be a nice plant anyhow). I accidently bought tangerine artemesia (one side was marked Phlox and I didn't notice the stick in the pot said Aremesia.
I stopped at Lowes and found some eggplant which I had been looking for since my seeds didn't seem to be germinating. Of course when I got home guess what had germinated? My eggplant LOL. I also bought Larkspur, Lipstick Salvia, Chives and a Dendrophylia. The lipstick chives rolled on the way home so I have tried rooting them as cuttings from instructions I found elsewhere: I mixed perlite with potting mix, stripped the bottom leaves off of the cuttings and stuck them in there. We'll see if they live. I just noticed one disappointing thing -they took the sticks out of the plants at the plant sale -luckily I know what most are but I now don't have the exact variety.
Last stop on the trip was Calloways. I was looking for the elusive Society Garlic and did find a variegated variety (I really wanted the regular but it was all I could find). I also bought some pinapple mint, some verbena for the pots,and a lovely Calladium.
Let the planting begin.
Pot with Periwinkle:
Scaveola: full sun to part shade: Should do well in pot. Blue flowers spring thru fall (ooh I like that!). Good hanging basket plant. Slow release fertilizer. Average moisture. Only grows to about 12" tall.
Verbena: Sun, Dry (sounds like it should mix OK with the Scaveola?)
Strapleaf Calladium: Hmm...these like shade, I guess it can't go in the pot with the above. Average water
Front Garden -let's try to get some color:
Fannick Phlox: Grows to 1-3 feet tall and 2 feed wide (I can see the height(mine is probably at least 18'-20" now but can only hope to get that width (it's only about 6" wide). Sun to partial shade. Drought tolerant..yeah!
Lipstick Salvia: This one likes sun too...normal/xeric water needs!
Eggplant: Black Beauty. OK I thought eggplants are vines? These don't look like vines? Ok big plant but not a vine -to the tires with them! Consistent moisture
Bell Pepper:Big Whopper! I think the tire conditions should be good for this too...same likes from what I can see as the eggplant.
OK I gotta go get these planted.